Terms of Use and Conditions

Terms of Use/Service

By using the www.sknelly.com website, by purchasing the goods and / or realizing the service offered, you agree to these terms of use. Please read them carefully.
In the case of access to and / or use of the www.sknelly.com domain and all related subdomains (hereinafter referred to as “web service”) and related content (such as text, photos, audiovisual and musical works), applications, software and services provided by make available through the web service regardless of the mode of use, the User expressly agrees, without any restriction or reservation, to the use and use of the web service in accordance with these General Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as “the Terms”), and to regulate all legal relationships that arise or may arise from the use / use of the web service is made in accordance with these Terms.

Sanela Kovacevic (Nelly) – Author / Owner of www.sknelly.com (hereinafter referred to as “the Author”) reserves the right to change, restrict or discontinue providing the Web Services at any time, including access to the www.sknelly.com. Web Service and all affiliate subdomains, and reserves the right to partially or fully restrict the provision of certain services in the event of a breach of the Terms.

By using the content of the web service, the user accepts all risks arising from such use and agrees to use the content only for personal use and at his own risk.

Additional provisions and requirements (including age requirements) may sometimes apply to a part of the services in our portfolio. Additional terms will be available within the relevant Services and will form part of your agreement with us in the event that you use these Services.

The author is not a doctor and no information provided is a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified health care professional regarding any questions regarding your medical condition. The user acknowledges and agrees that he is fully and solely responsible for his own progress and the results obtained from any information on this site and the books or programs purchased on this site.

Using our Services

You may use our Services only within the legal framework, including applicable laws and regulations. Content on www.sknelly.com is copyrighted. Unauthorized use of any part of the www.sknelly.com websites, without the permission of the copyright owner, is considered copyright infringement and is subject for legal action. Documents, data and information published on the www.sknelly.com web site may not be reproduced, distributed or in any way used for commercial purposes without the express consent of the Author. The documents, data and information published on this site may only be used for the individual needs of users, respecting all copyrights, property rights and third party rights.

By using our Services, you do not acquire ownership of any intellectual property rights for our Services or the content you access. You may not use content from our Services unless you have the permission of the owner of that content or as permitted by law. These Terms do not entitle you to use any of the trademarks or logos used in our Services. You may not remove, hide, or modify any notice displayed on or in connection with our Services.

We may send you service notices, administrative messages and other information regarding your use of the Services. You can turn of some of these modes of communication.

S.K.Nelly account

You may need a S.K.Nelly account to use some of our Services. In the process of registering or creating an account, the user is obliged to choose the name or the name under which they will perform the services and choose a security password and provide a valid e-mail address. All information required to register or create an account must be truthful and expressly prohibited from using or using someone else’s information. A registration or an account is created for one person only and it is not allowed to disclose registration or account information to third parties. The user is obliged to keep his / her password and user account information. The use of someone else’s registration or user account is not permitted. For violation of the provisions of the Terms in this chapter, the Author reserves the right, at his free discretion, to cancel the registration or user account of the user, without obligation to compensate the user for any cost or damage.

Personal data protetction and copyright protection

By using the www.sknelly.com Websites, it is considered that users are aware of and agree to these Terms of Use/Service, Privacy Policy and Data Processing Terms and Cookie Terms at all times. Privacy policy and cookie information can be found at: https://sknelly.com/privacy-policy/

User-created content

Documents, data and information posted on the Web Service may not be reproduced, distributed or otherwise used in any way that is contrary to these Terms. Content, visual identity, application and software are protected in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Act, the Trademark Act and the Criminal Code. It is specifically expressly prohibited to modify, publish, transmit, sell, display, edit, copy or otherwise exploit the content, visual identity, applications and software of the web service, except as expressly provided for in these Terms or as a result of prior authorization by the Author.

The reproduction, distribution and publicity of articles and photographs published by the Author are not permitted unless exceptionally done only under the following (cumulative) conditions: The uploaded content must not exceed 600 characters, whether the original content is uploaded in one piece or on more space with the obligation to respect the integrity of the original content. Information about the source / origin and / or author of the content may not be published to a lesser extent than it was in the original content; to the original content of the other side, which allows the source text to be opened in a separate web browser window, in the domain of the source publisher. Also, separate text will appear at the beginning, inside or at the end of textual content: “Read original text here” linked directly to the source material, which opens in a separate web browser window, in the domain of the source publisher. The uploaded content must retain its original meaning and completeness (for example, based on editorial shortening or / and the author’s free interpretation of the original), to avoid misunderstandings arising from proving the origin of the information and determining the free interpretation of the content. If the content of one side represents exclusive content or discovery, and it is precisely such exclusive content or discovery that initiated their further elaboration, research, reportage on the other hand, it should be emphasized in a clear and unambiguous way that the original content of a particular publisher represented the first treatment of the topic.

Web services are prohibited from being used for commercial purposes. The storage or copying of content for any purpose other than personal use is expressly prohibited. It is especially forbidden to use the web service in such a way that it can be accessed through another site or portal through a link, mirror or other similar way that allows the web service pages to be opened within someone else’s domain, portal or page. The holder of all rights of exploitation and other rights in the content of the web service is the Author. Certain content may be downloaded or created by a partner in which case the Author is not responsible for delays, inaccuracies, errors and any damages resulting from such content, applications and software. The author is not responsible for any form of damage caused by unauthorized and / or improper use and / or misuse of the web service by the user. In the case of unauthorized, unauthorized and / or unlawful use of any content (text, photos, applications, software, audiovisual and music works) of the web service, it reserves the right to seek full damages and to bring civil and criminal proceedings before the competent courts.

Use of the Web Services is authorized for adults. The use and use of the web service by children is allowed only with the supervision of parents and / or guardians and they are obliged to take care of it, otherwise they assume all rights and obligations arising from such use, and the Author is not responsible for any consequences of such use.

By using the web service, the user acknowledges and agrees that any content (for example: comments, forum posts, reviews, reviews, reviews texts, photos, video and audio content, computer codes and applications) made available on or provided by the web service. The Author is subject to the use and free use / exploitation by the Author in such a way that the same can be edited, modified, removed in whole or in part, modified, published and / or transmitted in any way and in any format including the so-called. “RSS feed” in accordance with these Terms. Any delivery of content created by a user, as well as any publication or otherwise making available content to the public via the web service is considered to be a user’s acceptance of the author’s offer to enter into a legal transaction under the terms contained in these Terms, and the subject matter of which legal transaction is the assignment of that user content and transfer of rights thereto for the benefit of the Author. Any posting of content created by a user on a web service (either automated or through an Authorized Authorized Person) as well as any delivery to the Author of certain content is considered a user’s acceptance of the Author’s offer.

The offer of the Author applies to all adults and refers to enabling the publication of content (created by the user himself) through web services and print media, for a certain period of time, which the user previously submits to the Author or self-publish / write or communicate via in this case, the Author gains the right to exploit that content without paying a special fee (except when explicitly emphasized or communicated in a specific case) and without content, space and time restrictions, especially in such a way that the content: uses, transmits, edit, edit, publish, communicate to the public, adapt, publicly perform and / or display, further broadcast or adapt / reproduce through “streaming,” downloading, “broadcasting”, “thumbnails” or through any other medium. On the basis of such acceptance, the user and the author are deemed to have entered into a legal transaction under the terms of this item. The author shall ensure that such user content is used in accordance with the editorial policy, in an appropriate manner. User-generated content includes, in particular: comments, forum posts, reviews, reviews, texts, reviews, photos, video and audio content, illustrations, caricatures, and audio-visual content. The user warrants that he or she has all rights to ontent provided by the Author, and that there are no third party rights that impair or impair the rights acquired by the Author on that content. In the event of any claims by third parties for damages to the Author, which on any basis are related to the submitted content, the User undertakes to take all actions to prevent or remedy the damage (non-material or property), and agrees to give in writing to third parties all necessary statements that the Author disposed of the content in good faith and had no reason to suspect that the user did not own the rights to the content. The User explicitly accepts the commenting rules set out in these Terms and Conditions with respect to any use and / or use of any of the content of the web service, the publication of content, and the publication of content that must be previously registered for the web service, and it is not allowed:

  1. swearing, insulting, disparaging, attacking other users, hate speech, discriminating and expressing intolerance, writing in capital letters, chatting, offtopic commenting, spamming or advertising by linking or otherwise, copy / paste entire texts from other portals , blogs, etc., quoting abusive comments or any other comments that are not allowed on the portal, using a simple or abusive nickname and nickname that contains the name of a celebrity, calling an administrator or debating with an administrator in any way (logins you may send inappropriate comments to e- mail: nelly@sknelly.com), writing in a language and script other than Croatian and Latin script, uploading, distributing, or posting content of pornographic, obscene, intrusive, or illegal character. No threatening or intrusive behavior is allowed, intentional interference with discussions by the insertion of repetitive and / or non-contentious messages and comments. Communication is not allowed to speak a language that discriminates, offends others especially on the basis of gender, religion, nationality, age, region, disability. The User is personally responsible for its content that it publishes or makes available on the Web Service, since the Author cannot control and / or revise every post of the user or is responsible for the content of the same. The author reserves the right to remove, move and / or edit any posting which, in his or her free opinion, constitutes a violation of these Terms and Conditions of Comment. In the event of a serious or repeated violation of the Terms, the Author reserves the right to delete the user from the archive, which will automatically delete all his previous comments.

Modifynig and Terminating of our Services

The Author reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time and will not be liable for any possible consequences resulting from such changes. These changes take effect by posting on these website.

The Author has the right at any time to completely or partially give up to provide the services without compensation for any material damage.

Warranties and Disclaimers

We provide our Services using commercially reasonable levels of skill and attention, and we hope you enjoy them. There are certain things that we do not promise when it comes to our Services.

Neither S.K.Nelly nor its suppliers or distributors make any special promises of services in addition to those expressly stated in these terms or the additional terms.

Liability for our Services

When permitted by law, S.K.Nelly and its suppliers and distributors will not be held liable for loss of earnings, income or data, financial loss or indirect, special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages.

To the extent permitted by law, the overall liability of S.K.Nelly and its suppliers and distributors for any claim under these terms, including for any tacit warranties that cannot be legally excluded, is limited to the amount you have paid us to use the Services (or, if we so choose, to re-provide the Services to you).

In all cases, S.K.Nelly and its suppliers and distributors are not responsible for any loss or damage that cannot reasonably be foreseen.

About these Terms

Changes that are, however, related to a particular new feature of the Service or changes made for legal reasons are effective immediately. If you do not accept the modified terms of the Service, you should stop using the Service.

These terms govern the relationship between S.K.Nelly and you. These rights do not give rise to any rights in favor of third parties.

Failure to take any action directly on your failure to comply with these Terms does not mean that we have waived our potential rights (such as taking action in the future).

If a certain provision of these terms and conditions turns out to be invalid, it will not affect the validity of the other provisions.

Applicable law and courts

These Terms are interpreted and applied in accordance with the law of the Republic of Croatia and in the case of copyright or criminal law disputes the Municipal Court in Zagreb has exclusive jurisdiction.

If you are a consumer living in the European Economic Area or in Switzerland, any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms will be governed by the law and jurisdiction of your country of residence. Disputes can be referred to online through the European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform, but S.K.Nelly is not obliged to do so and is not obliged to resolve disputes before any alternative dispute resolution entity.